Our Road to Zero Emissions

Separator - ttcables.com
20. June 2023.

One of the biggest problems civilization is facing today is climate change. According to the latest scientific knowledge urgent action is necessary to avoid the severe negative consequences of climate change. Solving this requires all of us to act.

Our position as a regional leader in cable production is both a significant accomplishment and a responsibility for us. As a major producer, we feel compelled to take action to support smaller producers as well as to ensure that sustainability permeates all aspects of our company and the lives of our employees.

The development of the road to carbon neutrality is one of the many sustainable initiatives we have been working on recently.

Lately we have completed the calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2021 (base year) and created a strategy and action plan for their reduction. In the process of calculation, two internationally accepted methods were used for calculating the Carbon Footprint of business entities using the GHG protocol & according to ISO 14064. The GHG protocol for business entities defines three scopes, while the ISO 14064-1:2018 standard defines six categories of greenhouse gas emissions/removals.

Total emissions of Greenhouse Gases TT Cables d.o.o. in 2021 for the calculation limits of Scope 1 and Scope 2 has been verified.  Mobile energy sources (83.76%) and fugitive sources (16.24%) had the greatest contribution to Greenhouse Gas emissions. We have set relative emission reduction targets of 5% per ton of product/per employee by 2027 (ie for a medium-term, 5-year period) compared to the base year of 2021 and achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050 (long-term target).


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