Halogen-free power and signal cable 0,6/1 kV, with improved properties under fire, and 90-minute circuit integrity maintenance
BFXI cables are suitable for fixed installation in dry and damp environment, on or under plaster, on cable trays, same as in walls and concrete. Not intended for direct laying in ground or water. For outdoor application can be laid in tubes, but in that case should be taken all precautionary measures necessary to prevent water penetration into the tubes. Suitable for electric installations
with marked fire-fighting and function preserving requirements, for alarm systems, fire sensors, evacuation elevators and other supply systems in an emergency. Appropriate for application in all situations where people and material goods need to be protected in case of fire. Recommended for public buildings frequented by a lot of people, and for buildings of high material value, for
industrial complexes, electric power plants, transformer stations, municipal facilities, hotels, shopping malls, hospitals, schools, airports, underground railways and similar. Important – BFXI cables should not be laid on common trays, but on fire-resistant trays which retain their geometry in case of fire. Keeping BFXI cables in the same position in case of fire, enables additional protection of cable conductivity, by means of the mineral layer discharged around the cable at increased temperature.
Conductors: Cu, class 1 or 2 according to EN 60228
Insulation 1: Fire resistant halogen-free mica tape
Insulation 2: Cross-linked halogen-free polymer
Bedding: Extruded halogen-free polymer or lapped glass fibres
Sheath: HFFR compound UV resistant
Tehnical characteristics
Test voltage: 4 Kv
Rated voltage: 0,6/1 kV
Bending radius (min): single-core – 15D;
multicore – 12D
Min. laying temperature: -5°C
Max. conductor temperature: 90°C
Max. short-circuit temperature: 250°C
Fire resistant: EN 60331-21
Flame propagation: EN 60332-10-2,
EN 60332-3-24 (Cat. C)
Smoke density: EN 61034-2
Corrosive and acid gases emission:
EN 60754-1 HCl content < 0,5%
EN 60754-2 pH ≥ 4,3, conductivity ≤ 10 μSmm-1
Country: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden
Industry: Building & Construction, Transmission, Distribution & Power Networks
Standard: HD 604 S1, Part 5D
Type: Fire Performance Cable, Industrial Cable, LSZH Cable, Power Network & Local Distribution Cable